Black Hills – Projects

Current Projects

Sheridan Lake/Spring Creek 319 Watershed Project

The Sheridan Lake 319 Watershed Project involves the implementation of a TMDL study that was completed in the same watershed.  This section of this project will take on the first of six phases.  In this phase a 10 year plan will be developed to address stormwater runoff, livestock use and septic failures.

Link to spring Creek project


Black Hills Water Temperature Study

Numerous Streams and Lakes throughout the Black Hills are currently designated as impaired by water temperature, according to the US EPA.  Data collected from the last 10 years may suggest that the designation of the Black Hills streams as cold water fisheries may be the wrong management designation.  The purpose of the project is to gather existing data, analyze it and draw conclusions as to the recommended management designation for each body of water.


Mountain Pine Beetle Project

The Black Hills Regional Mountain Pine Beetle Strategy (RMPBS) is a five year strategy that identifies the response to the current mountain pine beetle (MPB) in both Wyoming and South Dakota.  This epidemic is growing exponentially and requires a comprehensive and strategic approach that identifies goals and objectives and prioritizes mitigation efforts through an Action Plan.  The driving cause behind this epidemic continues to be large acreages of even-aged forest of dense, mature trees.

Link to MPB 2016 Planning Document


The Mountain pine Beetle Working Group received the State Best Project award for 2014.

Congratulation MPB
