North Central RC&D
2011 Annual Plan of Work
Goal A: Land Resources Developed and Managed for a Sustainable and Improved Condition.
Objective 1A: Retain a grazing program that benefits plant health, water quality, and profitability on 10,000 acres.
A1a: USFWS 2009 COOP Project (549-AW): Coordinate and work with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and provide administrative services for the assistance provided to landusers on the completion of best management practices that are not limited to: wetland creation, wetland enhancement, wetland restoration, native grass seeding, rotational grazing systems, alternative watering systems for livestock, prescribed burning, and riparian restorations.
Objective 2A: Develop partnerships to accelerate tree planting and shelterbelt renovation efforts for conservation districts.
A2a: North Missouri Shelterbelt Project (NC-522-Ca/Mc/Ed/Po/Wa/Su/Fa): Provide leadership and coordination to help secure a grant that will provide cost share assistance for shelterbelt planting and renovations on areas within Campbell, McPherson, Edmunds, Potter, Walworth, and Faulk counties that do not qualify for CCRP, WHIP, EQIP, or other similiar programs. Eligible practices include: new shelterbelt plantings, shelterbelt renovations, fencing, and fabric. The shelterbelts cost shared will be multi-purpose providing natural resource benefits to include: improvement of surface water quality, erosion control on cropland, livestock protection to support proper grassland management, wildlife habitat creation, and energy savings.
Goal B: Water Resources Developed and Managed for a Sustainable and Improved Condition.
Objective 1B: Develop and implement watershed water quality improvement projects.
B1a: BMP Assessment of the Bad River Basin Project (550-St): Provide leadership and coordination that will produce workshops, educational materials, and tours of the watershed improvements within the Bad River Basin. This information will be obtained from South Dakota State University after helping them assemble data electronically of best management practices that were installed 20 years ago to determine how much improvement has taken place within the watershed.
B1b: Medicine Creek Watershed Implementation Project 2 (319) (525-LY): Provide leadership and coordination to Lyman County to secure a 319 grant that will restore and protect the beneficial uses of Medicine Creek by implementing best management practices (BMPs) in the Medicine Creek watershed that reduce sediment and nutrient loading and prevent bacterial contamination, and complete water quality assessments and develop TMDLs for Reliance Lake. Attaining the TMDL goal willreduce total phosphorus levels in Fate Dam, Byre Lake, and Brakke Dam by 19.5%, 19.6%, and 18.9% respectively. Additionally, reductions in sediment delivery of 15%-20% into Medicine Creek can be realized through application of watershed BMPs.
Objective 2B: Develop and implement four (4) livestock water development and nutrient management projects.
B2a: American Creek/Jones County Ponds Project (NC-551-Ly,Jo): Provide leadership and coordination between the American Creek CD, Jones County CD, USFWS, SDGF&P, DU, SD Dept of Ag, South Central RC&D, North Central RC&D, and private landowners and obtain financial assistance to create or repair multi-purpose ponds on private land within Lyman and Jones counties.
Goal C: Provide educational and economic resources that will maintain and/or improve the aesthetic value and quality of life in communities within the North Central RC&D area.
Objective 1C: Assist communities with the development of value-added agriculture businesses. Assist with the development of technical resources and information for new businesses and business expansion. Assist with the development of one (1) natural resource-based industry.
C1a: Dakota Fisheries Project (NC-545-Hu): Provide assistance to PEDCO in recruiting andestablishment of Dakota Fisheries in Hughes County. Dakota Fisheries will provide 150 jobs to the surrounding area, establish and create new markets, and adding value to an already established agriculture area by utilizing crops and other local resources while providing fish production, soy diesel, fertilizer, and other marketable products.
C1b: Farmers Market Project (NC-547-AW): Work with city officials and develop a farmers market for area residents an opportunity to buy and sell produce that has been raised in the local trade area.
Objective 2C: Assist a community with the improvement of critical infrastructures such as, but not limited to: sewer, electrical, water drainage,sidewalks, and roads.
C2a: Lebanon Project (NC- -Po): Provide technical assistance to the town of Lebanon in addressing sewer drainage problems within the community by providing necessary resources.
Objective 3C: Retain a visible presence that will promote RC&D assistance in 8 counties throughout North Central RC&D.
C3a: Public Relations Project (NC- -AW): Attend at least one public meeting such as, but not limited to conservation district, city council, and/or county commissioner’s meeting per month to promote RC&D.
Goal D: Natural Resources Developed and Managed for a sustainable and Improved Condition.
Objective 1D: Develop and implement an information and education program to promote growth and awareness of energy crops. Work with partners to complete a workshop focused on energy crop technology.
D1a: Alternative Energy Workshop (NC-553-AW): Implement a workshop and develop or improve web sites that will educate landowners in South Dakota on energy efficiency and renewable energy production options that they can implement to meet their economic and natural resource conservation needs.
Objective 2D: Continue to establish partnerships and projects to restore and create wildlife habitat. Work with partners to implement wildlife improvement projects.
D2a: South Dakota Threatened Habitats Project – Phase 3 (541-AW): Provide leadership, coordination, and technical assistance to the USFWS to secure a grant to implement phase three of the SDTH Project that is designed to improve and protect duck nesting by accelerate habitat restoration, establishment, enhancement, and easement acquisition on private and tribal lands within the most threatened landscape of the Prairie Pothole Joint Venture.
Objective 3D: Build a coalition of partners that will develop and implement an integrated comprehensive weed management plan.
D3a: Weed Management Area Project (NC- -AW): Work with the South Central RC&D to form a multi-area weed management board that will develop an integrated comprehensive weed management area.
Goal E: Broaden RC&D council leadership; expand RC&D members and sponsors capacity; promote participation of minorities in council activities, and intensify state association support.
Objective 1E: Broaden RC&D council leadership and expand capacity of the board of directors.
E1a: South Dakota State Association Meeting: Provide leadership that will encourage at least one board member to attend the SDARC&D April meeting and the SDARC&D October meeting.
Objective 2E: Support the State Association and increase RC&D information and education materials.
E2a: Annual Plan of Work/Annual Report: Develop an annual report and distribute with Plan of Work to members and others.
E2b: Website (SD RC&Ds): Update RC&D website quarterly.